Trevor Mendham
We Won!
The Identity Cards Act 2006 was repealed by the Identity Documents Act 2010. The fledgling National Identity Register (NIR) was destroyed (watch here).

These pages are no longer maintained and are hence becoming ever more out of date. They're left here as archive material for anyone interested; and just in case any future British government tries the same thing.

UK Compulsory National Identity Cards

renew for freedom - MAY 2006 - renew your passport

The Case Against UK ID Cards

Live and let live and remember this line:
Your business is your business and my business is mine

- Cole Porter

I no longer have the time to campaign actively, however I want to comment on the events of the last week.

The ID Card Bill is now law following a last minute so-called "compromise".

People applying for or renewing a passport or other designated document will be able to opy out of receiving an ID Card until 2010. However even people who opt out will still have to pay for the card they don't get.

Worse, even though people will be able to opt out of the largely symbolic piece of plastic they will still be forced to be entered on the identity database. This is compulsory registration for the majority of the British people.

The database has always been the threat. The database was what the government always wanted. The database is what they now have.

They won the first round - the fight goes on. Join NO2ID today.

The Labour Government wants to introduce compulsory National Identity Cards for innocent British citizens. I am one of many who considers UK National ID cards - and the databases behind them - a serious threat to civil liberties and privacy. On these pages I'll outline the background and set out the arguments against the Home Office identity card plans.

I am proud of Britain's history as a supporter of individual freedom. ID Cards threaten that great British tradition and I will argue against them at every opportunity. I do this as a British citizen who cares about his country.

The terrorists want to destroy our way of life. If our response to terrorism is to panic and give away the civil liberties we hold dear then the terrorists will have won.

Supporters of ID cards often begin by asking "What's wrong with them them?" or "What are you afraid of?". In doing so they are attempting to shift the burden of proof.

We do not currently have compulsory ID Cards and have not needed them for fifty years. The arguments in favour of ID Cards keep changing as one after another is discredited. This scheme is not safe, it is not sane and it is not consensual.

It is not up to me to defend the status quo - it is up to those who wish to fundamentally change our society by imposing ID Cards on us to prove their case.

This they have failed to do.

On 28/6/2005 Home Secretary Charles Clarke opened the debate on the Second Reading of the Bill. You can read the full text of this along with my comments on the briefings page.

Latest UK Identity Card News

Keep up with the latest ID Card news at the NO2ID News Blog.

2004 Opinion Poll

An opinion poll for Privacy International in 2004 showed people already turning against the Government's plans. You can read the pdf report here:
A Nation Divided
or read my web version here:
A Nation Divided (HTML)

Students: You're welcome to use information from these articles on national ID Cards in your papers. However for your own sake I strongly recommend you rewrite it. If you just copy things directly there is a big chance you'll be caught. According to my logs I get a lot of traffic from "" addresses searching for UK ID Cards, National Identity Cards, etc.

Feel free to quote from this document. If you want to help spread the word about the threat to UK civil liberties from national ID Cards, please link.

Use the links in the grey panel on the right to navigate the information on UK Identity Cards. There's a link at the bottom of each page back to this introduction if you want to bookmark or link here.

If you agree with me that compulsory UK Identity Cards are an unacceptable threat to privacy and civil liberties then make sure you read the final section: UK ID Cards: what can I do?.

The arguments for ID Cards don't stand up to scrutiny; the arguments against are overwhelming. If we all work together then we can defeat this government and prevent UK Identity Cards from being introduced.

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