A Nation Divided
A conundrum for the Tories
- The most vehement opposition to the ID card proposals is from
people who voted Conservative at the last election. Almost
consistently across all questions and in all categories, Tory voters
opposed the ID card proposals considerably more than Labour
- Nearly a quarter (24%) of Tory voters who object to compulsory
ID cards said they are prepared to take part in a “campaign of civil
- 1 in 30 Tory voters say they are prepared to go to prison rather
than register for an ID card.
- More than a third (34%) of Tory voters say they will take part in a
demonstration against the card proposals.
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International. Used with permission
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A Nation Divided
- About Privacy International
- Background
- Key Findings
- ID Cards still have majority support,
but opposition is deep & entrenched
- People do not want their address
connected to the ID card
- Financial penalties are deeply opposed
- People are prepared to go to prison over the ID card
- A conundrum for the Tories